Sunday, 09. February 2025 :: 01:51
Croatian National Tourist Board
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
Istria Tourist Board
Istrian Quality
Region of Istria

Istria Natura

Ancient Olive TreeThe famous olive tree on island Veliki Brijun was planted in 4th century and it has been one of the oldest on the European soil.
Forty year ago extremely bad weather split its trunk in two but the 1700 years old olive still gives the fruit.

Cape Kamenjak Cape Kamenjak (Premantura’s peninsula, Punta) is the southernmost point of Istria, close to the 11 islands, islets and shallows of Medulin archipelago. There are plenty of rocky beaches, as well as pebbled ones in numerous coves. Cape Kamenjak is a protected landscape 9.5 km long, 1.5 km wide, with 550 plant species, 35 on the list of endangered species in Croatia. There live some special birds and sea species. On Cape Kamenjak around forty protected types of orchid can be found.

DinosaursThe traces of dinosaurs can be seen on islet Fenoliga. They lived there 80-90 million years ago. Visible footprints of two legged, three fingered dinosaurs, and footprints of four legged Sauropode are very attractive to see there. Footprints of dinosaurs can be seen on the islands of Brijuni as soon as you get off the ferry.

Historical Linden TreeChurch of St. Matthew in the middle of the village Slum was mentioned in 16th century. Although it later undergone some changes; there are frescoes in the apse and Glagolitic inscriptions from 1555. Old records mention that church was built near the linden tree, the very same one that is there today in spite of its hollow trunk. That is the oldest linden tree in Istria.

Istrian BullBoskarin (Istrian Bull) is the indigenous bull considered to be the Europe's largest mammal. During the 1960’s in Istria lived more than 60,000 boskarins, but thirty years later they were almost extinct. Their number is growing, thanks to the Istrian breeders and nowadays their meat is used for food. But still - the Boskarin is very special for Istrians. It has been the family pride, representing strength and wealth of villagers, and above of all - it has been a devoted friend.

Istrian caves, dens and pitsIt has been estimated that Istria has more than two thousand caves, dens and pits. Caves Baredine, Pazin, Mramornica, Romualdo's and Festinsko Kraljevstvo are set up for tourism. Among the best known caves in Croatia to speleologists are three Istrian caves: Cave near Raspor, Semicka Cicarija and Klanski gorge.

Istrian HoundCultivation of the Istrian hound is mentioned in the Croatian historical documents from 14th century. As a Croatian breed Istrian hound was registered in 1999. The two varieties of Istrian Hound are the Wirehaired Istrian Hound and the more popular Smoothhaired Istrian Hound, also known as the Istrian Pointer.

Motovun ForestMotovun Forest stretches along the valley of the River Mirna and represents the last remnant of native forest of humid lowlands called "longoze". There are only three sites of such forests in the world.
It is the habitat of the largest and most prized of all truffles – the white truffle.

Sea WorldIn Istria is about twenty diving centers and clubs because of beautiful undersea scenery and many sunken ships, such as Baron Gautsch, Corleanus, Giuseppe Dezza, Flamingo, Hans Smith... Endemic species like the black tang, Jadranski bračić, and the Tunicate, Jadranski ciganin can be spotted as well.

Vranjska draga (Vranjska Canyon)Vranjska (Vela) draga is the canyon formed by deposition of horizontal layers of limestone, elevation and cracking, followed by erosion and chipping off. Result are stunning vertical rocky towers up to of 100 meters high which attract alpinists for the last 80 years.

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